My impression of slr canon eos 1100d is quite satisfactory, especially in terms of the quality of the images and high ISO. Supported with 12 MP CMOS sensor and DIGIC 4 are qualified, about the images would have been no doubt. For the best photos are now looking for a better lens, photographing using RAW or maximize Picture Style only. With a price of 4.5 million today, a modern DSLR with IS kit lens, HD movie can and has 9 AF points would have been considered the best buy. Moreover, a variety of EF lenses, the EF-S and 3rd party brands (Sigma, Tokina, etc.) can be used with all Canon mount without the worry of compatibility issues auto focus. The weak point of this camera is on things that are not directly related to the resulting image, such material is not semantap EOS body on it, the LCD screen is not big enough and the lack of detail, and there are some features removed (spot metering, anti-dust, manual exposure when recording video). Additionally burst is only 3 fps camera is still deemed less quickly.
slr canon eos 1100d is suitable for those who: are beginners, is studying photography, just for the photo / video family, hobbyists, not satisfied with the results of a small sensor camera photos, or who need a camera for college photography.
slr canon eos 1100d is less suitable for those who: enthusiast (seriously pursue photography for a profession), often photographed outdoor with erratic weather (rain, dust, etc.), often shooting sports / action / journalist, making DSLR to make a commercial video clips, keep a lot digital effects in the camera, or who often take pictures with ISO above 6400.

review for the popular DSLR Canon EOS 1100D (Digital Rebel T3). For $ 4.5 million plus camera kit lens EF-S 18-55mm IS is the successor of the EOS 1000D is a sales success in the past, the primary segmentation is the budget minded who seek simple camera, a nice but affordable. EOS 1100D is presented to be competitors like the Nikon D3100, Pentax Kr and Sony A390. What kind of review that I created for the tiny?

Canon implemented a rather unique strategy to segment their DSLR products. When first we consider the three-digit EOS (350D, 400D, 450D, etc.) are a beginner camera, so now that so digitlah EOS DSLR four basic classes of Canon's true. When three years ago the EOS 1000D are designed so basic and simple, which is now the successor 1100D there are a number of improvements such as sensor resolution, the number of AF points, metering module, the processor and the most important is HD movie. Some features of the 1100D seemed 550D/600D overlap with many similarities in terms of features include basic camera class (four digits) with Canon's triple-digit class. So it was natural that I predict the EOS 1100D will repeat success by reaching high sales, especially when we do not need all the advantages that exist in the three-digit EOS.

Let's look at what it is offered by this basic DSLR:
This camera has 12 MP CMOS sensor empowered by Digic IV processor and it can has 720p HD movie recording capability. It owns the ability of metering with 63 zone (focus, color and luminance). using a 9-point AF module (the middle one cross type) and achieve ISO 6400
burst speed of 3 fps and 2.7-inch LCD, 230 thousand pixel resolution and HDMI out. It's sold with the kit lens 18-55mm IS mark II. Not bad right? When compared with the EOS 600D, the difference is only in megapixels (12 MP vs 18 MP), the resolution of HD video (720p 1080p vx) and slightly faster (3 fps vs 3.7 fps). Additionally 600D has a high resolution LCD screen that can be folded and can be triggering external flash wirelessly. But both are the same in terms of design (including pentamirror and plastic body), 9 point AF module, 63 zone metering module (which is exactly the same as in the EOS 7D) and ISO 6400.

We start it. EOS 1100D body is made of plastic material with a surface that is too smooth with no texture, somewhat impressed cheap. Gripnya will feel a bit small, especially for people who are handed a little big like me, but it might feel right when holding are women
The design is generally relatively typical EOS 1100D beginner to the area are the ON-OFF, one wheel to adjust the exposure, a mode dial and a button to turn on the flash. Everything is concentrated on the right so it is perfectly right index finger. I personally do not like the exposure setting wheel design that played with the index finger like all Canon DSLR. The mode dial itself is made up of manual exposure such as P, TV, AV, M and A-DEP, as well as a variety of scene modes such as flash off, Creative Auto, Potrait, Landscape, and Movie. The green box is AUTO which is completely automatic, including ISO and flash settings. No user preset dial mode setting on the EOS 1100D, since the camera is not intended for the pros. Flash hot shoe in the middle and flanked by built-in flash which supports E-TTL II.
At the front there is a place to put up a metal mount lens, with two colors, namely white dots (for EF-S lenses) and red (for EF lenses). So the EOS 1100D is compatible with any Canon lens, both EF and EF-S. Inside was a mirror that covers the sensor pin and some contact details for the lens. No dust cleaning system in the EOS 1100D, to dust you should go into the menu to remove the mirror and dusting it manually. Next to a lamp mount lens to reduce red-eye caused by flash light hit, and a mono microphone on EOS 1100D logo that serves to record sound during movie mode.
EOS 1100D equipped with kit lens EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS. This lens has a plastic mount 58mm filter diameter and is equipped with a vibration damper (stabilizer). On the left there are two levers, the lever Auto or Manual focus (AF-MF) and another lever to activate the stabilizer. Due to the APS-C sensor with a crop factor of 1.6 x the kit lens will have a focal equivalent to 29-88mm which is sufficient for daily needs. Manual focus ring is on the front of the lens and the camera rotates when looking for focus, typical cheap kit lenses in general, a brief word is not comfortable to wear lenses for manual focusing.
At the rear, where a variety of important buttons and LCD screen, arranged quite nicely. Unfortunately the design of most of the buttons are aligned with the body made it hard pressed (I think in the first 1000D even better compressed). On the EOS 1100D are important keys to access the menu quickly is the 'Q' (Quick Menu) and there is also a button with a red dot for Live view (which also serves to start and stop recording video). Good news, Canon has always given two functions at the four arrow direction. So the up arrow key shortcuts also work to change the ISO, right arrow key to change the AF mode, the down arrow key to change the choice of WB and left arrow keys for selection of various drive modes. A great benefit considering the EOS 1100D is actually intended for beginners. The optical viewfinder on the EOS 1100D has 95% coverage and a magnification 0.8 times, of course, not the best but it was bright enough to be seen. There is a small wheel diopter control to adjust viewfinder focus for those glasses. Unfortunately there is no sensor that detects when we peeked in the viewfinder, so the LCD will remain lit when our eyes against the window.
At the bottom of a metal tripod mounting position parallel to the lens. There's also info on the serial number and the words that this camera was made in Taiwan. Placement LP-E10 battery and memory card at the bottom of the doors, while the side door when opened will reveal to the remote port, an HDMI port and a USB port. You're looking for an external mic port? Sorry, no ..
From the info on the screen can be known quickly mode is used, the value of shutter, aperture, ISO, etc.. There is also information the rest of the battery and how photo can still be taken by the existing memory. When the mode dial is rotated to the Creative Auto mode will look like this:
This mode is a feature of DSLR beginners, is intended to facilitate a not understand how to make the background become blur and so on. In the Guide Mode Nikon D3100 are relatively the same as this.
EOS 1100D is not designed to work fast. But apparently the time required for start-up, shutter lag, shot-to-shot and find the focus I feel fast enough. I tested this camera focus with the kit lens and the 50mm f/1.8 lens, which unfortunately they happen to not type USM, so it certainly will not be the focus speed is too fast. The sound of the motor focus lens that was looking too loud, but the focus accuracy is maintained thanks to the 9-point AF module uses. We can change the AF mode from Auto to manual selection by pressing the AF button with your right thumb (the button on the right star key). For info, in the viewfinder can be seen 9-point AF and will glow red when active.
To focus modes are available just like other Canon DSLRs that are ONE SHOT mode (stationary objects), AI and AI SERVO FOCUS are for moving objects. When using the AI servo mode, the shutter button is pressed so that the camera should still be constantly looking for focus. I feel the speed and accuracy is pretty good AI SERVO when searching for a moving object, even if the USM lenses will definitely feel much better.
EOS 1100D does not offer spot metering feature, since metering mode option is available only three modes are evaluative, center weighted and Partial. As the default for most shooting conditions evaluative mode can be used, but for a more contrasting lighting conditions can use another mode.
Wearing 12 MP CMOS sensor combined with the DIGIC IV processor makes the EOS 1100D's got an impressive high ISO capability, even at ISO 6400 noisenya though still relatively subdued and the color reproduction is not too off the mark. ISO 6400 is the maximum ISO for the EOS 1100D, no ISO settings expansion in the Custom Function. For the best results from the camera's high ISO RAW files can then be processed using its own on the computer to reduce noisenya.
For those not accustomed to using a DSLR, it will feel a bit strange when shooting through the viewfinder. For that modern DSLR cameras are providing live-view facilities, including the EOS 1100D. When the live-view button is pressed, the mirror's voice rose as a sign of entering the camera live-view mode, then the LCD screen will display a preview image like a non-DSLR camera. Performance during live-view cameras are also good, the screen displays a preview with accurate colors and not oversized when the camera is moved. EOS 1100D can even display the histogram in the upper right corner. Mode auto-focus during live view and movie recording when there are three options, namely the contrast detection (Live AF), face detection and phase detection AF with 9 points (the latter most quickly lock focus but will be dark LCD moment). By contrast detection, we can move the autofocus box in the middle to anywhere in the photo by pressing the four directions. Once the shutter button is pressed half, the camera needs 2-3 seconds to lock focus. Indeed long enough, it will even get worse if the light conditions are less or photographing something minimal contrast. Then it's just use this mode to take pictures of objects that are not moving, enough light and enough contrast. The camera will leave the live-view mode when within a certain time there is no any operation (about 5 seconds), in order to prevent the sensor from overheating.
There are no other options for video resolution than HD movie 1280 x 720 pixels. The choice is only whether we want to use 30 fps or 25 fps only. By clicking the live-view mode dial while in the Movie position, the camera will start recording video. Display on the screen will change to 16:9 format in the format video recording mode HD video. Picture Style Auto Lighting Optimizer and can also be applied at the time of recording video, although unfortunately there is no manual exposure settings when recording video, and even ISO could not be replaced (just no compensation and exposure lock only). Moreover there is no Continuos focus when recording video, the camera is only looking at the beginning of the focus once recording, and if you want to change the focus of the past can only focus manually by turning the ring on the lens, or by pressing the shutter button (but this feature needs to be enabled first on the menu ).
By pressing the playback button (blue triangle shape) will go into the photos or videos on your memory card. By pressing the info button will display a variety of information on the screen about the picture parameters such as histograms and other data such as the image above. Although classified as EOS 1100D camera beginners, information on the screen is very complete, including RGB histogram exists. Unfortunately, as usual, Canon does not provide information on how focal lenses are used in each photograph
Being looked at even the highest ISO the images from the EOS 1100D, It's still pretty good, especially when enough light. A satisfactory performance in my opinion. You can calmly use ISO 1600 as the line between quality and noise, are ISO 3200 and older can be selected when conditions force.